Sunday, October 21, 2007

Up, up and away!

That's what happened to all my Halloween decorations in the front yard.

In case you haven't heard, we're having a Severe Wind Alert in Orange County. Where I live in Anaheim Hills we are getting hurricane gusts of up to 85 mph.

Kael's scary skeleton dude and his tombstone didn't have a fighting chance. As we drove away this morning, I expected to never see him ever again (the skeleton dude) so imagine my surprise (and delight) when I saw him lying face down tangled in the bushes across the street, 3 houses down. Poor guy. I got out of the car, pushed my way against the crazy wind, rescued him and tossed him in the garage. As for his tombstone... it's still AWOL. Maybe it got blown to Oz.

A few of our neighbors have trees that were uprooted and toppled over so I guess losing the tombstone wasn't so bad.

Ever 10 minutes or so we'll get a good gust that makes the house go *shoosh* and I feel like Dorothy... waiting for the house to get blown away.

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