Monday, October 22, 2007

No evacuations... yet.

Thanks for everyone's phone calls and emails. We're still here and hopefully will still be here tomorrow. In case you haven't heard or read, there are some really big fires down here. Malibu and San Diego are the two largest fires but it's the one in our backyard (the Santiago fire) that's worrying me because while it's moving away from us, it's really just behind the hills behind our house. Fortunately for us (not so fortunate for those folks who live in the Lake Forest/Portola area) the winds are blowing south-southeast. As long as they continue to blow in that direction, we will be OK. The fire has burned about 8,800 acres as of this morning and it's about 30% contained. It's pretty unnerving to hear all the fire helicopters fly right over my house.

From what I read we sent some fire trucks and equipment up to Malibu to help with their fire and now the Fire Authority is working on getting those people back home to fight this fire. Right now we're experiencing peak winds of 77 mph, 89 degree weather, and a 7% humidity level. And it's supposed to be hotter tomorrow (90 degrees).

Isn't it almost Halloween? What ever happened to autumn weather?!

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