Monday, June 22, 2009

Launch Day

Kael completed his first week of Science Camp - Space and Rocketry. He had a blast (pardon the pun). Made some neat space related stuff like a telescope, a Mars Rover, and a constellation box. The cherry on top was the rocket. And we're not talking about a water fueled rocket. It's a real rocket with wires and keys and caps.

Kael and Mikayla showing off their rockets.

The Launch Pad.

Please blast off. Please blast off!

Loading the rockets on the launchers.

Goofing around with a new friend. They are sitting like POW's because the pads are live and they are not to touch the keys lest they accidentally set off the rockets.

Kael's Rocket, primed and ready!

Turning the key and igniting the rocket.

Blast off!!

Coming back to "Earth"

Safe landing

The pick up.

He's so stoked that his rocket blasted off!

Mikayla's turn.

Working the wires.

Inserting the key.

I love her expression as the rocket blasts off.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mutant Tomatoes

I don't know what we did differently this year but Kael's crop of tomatoes look genetically engineered. The plants are taller than ME and have flopped over due to the abundance of fruits. Or veggies. Whatever they are. They are popping buds and "baby tomatoes" (per Malia) all over and it's truly a testament of her control to not engage in an early harvest.

Actually, she's already done that a few times but I think she's finally getting that she was to wait until they are red.

It looks like we're doing something right as far as growing them but I don't know how farmers get their crops to all ripen at the same time. So far Malia's plucked a few red cherry tomatoes here and there as they ripen - essentially single servings. Definitely not enough for a salad. Certainly not enough to share, according to Malia, the tomato hog.

Kael's mutant tomato... tree? Truong and I just staked it even higher than the original stakes. And that's still not tall enough. The tops of the plants are flopped over onto itself. I don't know how that's going to affect the actual tomatoes as now they are all stacked up and crowded together.

He's got sweet white corn growing in the back.

Malia harvesting a few ripe cherry tomatoes.

Going in for the pluck.

Yellow cherry tomatoes



Kael's favorite: the sunflower

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It sucks being the baby sometimes.

Poor Taede. It was inevitable that the older kids would find ways to use him for their entertainment.

While I put away laundry this morning, Malia dropped Kael's inner tube around Taede. In effect trapping the poor kid. Taede can't get himself out of the tube and ends up crawling around with it stuck on him. Sometimes when there are a lot of toys lying around, he acts like a street sweeper, with various dolls and blocks trapped under him.

I can't tell if he's trying to crawl out of it or trying to crawl away from it. Or just not caring that there's this annoying tube around him and is just crawling for the sake of crawling.

Malia thinks it's hilarious.

"Uh, Mom. A little help here? Please?"

"Seriously. Get this stupid thing off me! It's not funny anymore!"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Trek Women's Triathlon Series

My friend Christina sent Shana and I an email one day, asking if we would be interested in doing the Disney Duathlon (run-bike-run). I was intrigued but was going to say no for a variety of reasons... the main one being not having the time to train. Between Truong working late hours, going out of town almost weekly, and a breast feeding baby who wakes up 2-3 times per night, I'd have to be insane to say yes. Add on that we'd only have 3 months to train before the race, I'd have to be clinically insane.

Then if you factor in the fact that I just squeezed out a baby 6 months ago (at the time I was debating the race), haven't seen a gym in over a year (if you don't count those 3 times I went before getting pregnant with Taede then it'd be -- holy cow... Davis! -- 7 years ago), was in the most out of shape I've ever been in... to say yes would go beyond clinically insane to just plain stupid.

Well, I said yes. Welcome to peer pressure.

However, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. For myself. I just had to figure out training times. In the end, I ran at night. Sometimes with Shana, most times solo as my window of opportunity was very narrow. Truong was able to come home early (6:30pm early) a few times and I took that time to squeeze in a bike ride in addition to a run. It wasn't the best training program, but with 2 kids, a baby, a hard working husband, and no babysitter, it was the best I could do.

I didn't tell a whole lot of people about this race as I didn't know how I'd do. My friend Crystal participates in these kinds of races regularly and she'd kick my ass any day of the week. And she's pregnant, for pity's sake. I set off with two main goals: (1) just finishing the race and (2) not throwing up while running through Disneyland. With my luck that photo would be plastered all over the newspaper.

I am happy to say that I finished AND I didn't throw up. The day started at 3:15am (race started at 6:00am, bikes needed to be in the transition area by 5:30am). If I had any doubts about the craziness of my decision, this put it all to rest. Shana and Patrick made the pick up rounds at 4:00am so that meant I had 45 minutes to get ready, get my stuff together, eat, and nurse Taede. Ironically enough, this was the first night that Taede gifted me with sleeping through the night. Meaning from the time I put him down at 7:00pm, he did not wake up once until I woke him to nurse at 3:30am. Talk about sending the poor kid mixed signals.

There were 554 participants in varying shapes, sizes and athletic ability. You can tell the real racers from their cool racing bikes and gear versus the hobbist with their one geared beach cruiser bikes and Cinderella costume. Yes, someone ran in a Cinderella costume (shortened of course) and I even saw an Alice in Wonderland.

We three did great despite some minor issues. My chain fell off going up a hill. Half way up, of course so that meant I had to finish the rest of the up hill with no momentum to carry me forward. Christina ate it at the dismount line and left a part of her elbow and knee at the Happiest Place on Earth. And Shana's bionic leg (she's got a metal plate from where she broke her ankle 2 years ago) was bothering her.

The 1.5 mile run went great. The first 5 mile lap was good (that's when my chain fell off). The second 5 mile lap, went a little slower but I still made decent time trying to catch up to Christina. I finally caught up as we entered the transition area and that's when she took a hit on the bike.

It was the 2 mile run after the bike ride that was a killer. Oh man. My legs were jello. The mind and upper body were willing but the two legs were not. However, Christina and I managed to drag ourselves across the finish with Christina a step ahead.

All in all it was fun and definitely something I would like to do again. Next time I'll be better prepared. Hopefully.

Here are some pictures taken by our pep squad/photographer/coach Patrick.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Busy Little June Bugs

I can't believe it's June. The kids are officially on summer break as of today. What I'm going to do with them -- hell if I know! Kael is registered to attend a Science and Space Workshop/Camp for 3 weeks, maybe 4 (we register by the week). He's extremely excited but unfortunately for both of us, the workshop is only from 9:00am until 12:00pm. I still have the whole rest of the afternoon to entertain 3 kids who are all on very different playing fields. Heck, they aren't even playing in the same stadium: Kael and his Star Wars, Malia and her princesses, and Taede the determined stair climber.

Malia will attend a day camp as needed or whenever she gets bored at home. It's nice that I can send her in that morning if needed, so I can play it by ear.

As for Taede, his life is always enriching. Give him an empty tissue box and he's enthralled for a good 30 minutes. Toss a toy inside, rattle it around, and *voila* the tissue box becomes a tissue box with a toy inside. It's a brand new toy! Actually, if the timing is right, I'd like to do Gymboree with him as I did for the other two kids.

I have my sister and her family visiting for a week starting June 26, then we drive up north for the 4th of July for a week. My sister in law and her family are moving to San Diego July 17 so we'll visit them. And then we have about 3 weeks of no plans. Maybe hit a water park, maybe do summer camp, maybe go camping... Kael has 2 sessions of Science camp (Gizmos and Robots workshop and Fabulous Physics) -- possibly a third session called Powerful Planets -- then school starts beginning of September. Hopefully the kids will have plenty to do and yet have nothing to do so they can relax.

I remember looking forward to summer with all my being as a child. It's a totally different perspective as a parent. How did my parents do it with five kids?!


Here are some pictures from the kids' End of Year parties and them relaxing at home.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Anyone out there? Hello?

I meant to post these pictures last week but we're entering the last week of school and there's much to do. Probably too much to do since I noticed that I'm doing the "stick my head in the sand and hope it all goes away" method of coping.

Anyway Taede is fully mobile and pulling up on everything. He's quite the handful since he's determined to summit the stairs come hell or high water. Unfortunately for me he's very quiet. The other kids kept a constant babble that helped me keep track of them. Not so Taede. However, I can distinguish the noise of his hands hitting the first couple steps from all the other usual noise the kids make.

It's astonishing how much mothers can attune certain senses to certain kids. There's definitely some truth behind the "eyes in the back of her head" motherhood lore.

In the hope that it would keep Taede downstairs, I pulled out some old toys from the Kael years that have been passed around to multiple kids.

The older kids loved the Cube. I don't know why as it's designed for babies 6months and up, but if it gets them to play together nicely -- and most importantly -- keeps Taede downstairs, they can dance on it for all I care.

"Who you looking at?"

He's finally growing into his eyes. If you look closely, you'll see a red bump on his noggin. He wants so badly to walk that he'll just let go and send a prayer that this time, it'll all work out (which it obviously hasn't yet). I'm tempted to get a helmet.

After enduring hourly head bonks, he's finally figured out that just letting go isn't going to do. So he's started to call me when he's pulled upright. When I get there, he holds out his hands but won't hold onto me. He lets go and the inevitable tumble happens when he tries to walk. I've started to grab his wrist since he won't hold on to me. Then he waves me off like I'm some irritating fly buzzing around him.

My newest "leash" is leaving him upright, not coming when he calls for me:

"Hello? Anyone there? Hello!!"

"Hey! You with the camera! I'm stuck!"

hehehe - I'm so evil.

It was a great leash while it lasted. He smarted up real quick and the next day figured out how to let himself down with little to no injury.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Today on the Kael Channel

Kael was a little goofy today so I decided to whip out my little camera to video tape it all and post on the blog where it can be enjoyed.


At least until he's of dating age and I can share it with his girlfriend(s).

Video #1 - My Fly Guy
I have no idea where he got this from. I can only assume school. If it's not school then my other thought would be from Truong and that would be way too scary.

Video #2 - The Karate Kid
I don't know what he was showing me. Something about a Mash Spider Training (??). Maybe it came from his karate instructor who is Korean.

The video is a little distorted because I had to rotate it. But it's still funny as heck.

You can hear Malia yelling at Taede in the background because he was storming her princess castle. It's already starting... I better buy my ear plugs now.

This is the end of the road, Buddy.

Please watch your step. That first one is a doozy.

Look at this mess!

Man, this place is a mess.

How did these books get all over the place?


I see what's going on here. I can predict many hours of clean up as the kids have about a million books.