Monday, September 1, 2008

A ticking time bomb.

That's what I'm calling myself: A ticking time bomb, ready to go at anytime. And I mean anytime.

This weekend my in-laws (all of them) converged at my house for the celebration of Trieu's and Ingrid's nuptials. At least the Southern California part of it. It was very nice and we got to spend a lot of time with the Anderson's (Ingrid's family). It was a great family weekend, one that I wish we could do more often.

I suffered through the usual "damn, you're huge" and "wow, you're really waddling" and "do you want the eat the rest of this?" comments all weekend but that's OK. I am huge and I am waddling and YES, I do want that last piece! so it's not as if I can put up any kind of sound argument. Truong put a damper on things though when on Thursday he made the comment that he thought I was going to go into labor this weekend.

Let me give you some background information of Truong's ESP on my pregnancies. For both Kael and Malia, he's correctly "predicted" (or perhaps "anticipated" is a better word) when they would come. With Kael, on Friday night he said "you know, honey, it's Friday, I finished my workload to take off the next couple of weeks, we've got the weekend coming up, my parents aren't working... it's a good time for you to go into labor." I pished him and said "No way, dude! I'm only 38 weeks." Ahh, the naivety of the first-time mom....

What happened? 1:30am that night, my water broke.

Malia: he said the same thing. He waited until Friday then said: "It's the weekend again. I think it's a good time to go into labor."

1:30am that night, I started having contractions and Malia came that morning.

So when he told me Thursday, August 28 that he felt I was going to have the baby this weekend, I freaked out. I didn't have the car seat, I didn't have the stroller, I hadn't washed Blub's clothes, we had a wedding picnic to be a part of, tons of people were coming... it just wasn't the right time!

Needless to say, the entire Labor Weekend I was on pins and needles. Luckily Nostradamus proved to be wrong since I'm still heavy with child (and extremely uncomfortable to boot). He's still predicting that Blub will come sooner rather than later (well, no duh -- I've got a week left!) and tonight kept checking up on me, making sure my bag was packed, asking me how was I feeling, any contractions?, etc. He's such a Nervous Nelly. His greatest fear is that he'll end up pulling over on the 55 on the way to the hospital to deliver Blub himself.

Now wouldn't that be a great blog post?

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