Friday, September 12, 2008

Latest Update

I went in this morning for an ultrasound due to Blub being so small (with IUGR - Intrauterine Growth Restriction). If I were not so far along, I'd have a u/s every 2-3 weeks. While getting one is pretty cool (most moms only get the one -- I've gotten 3 or 4), I'm hoping that the next time I head back in that area, it will be to deliver Blub, not for another OB appointment.

Sheri the u/s tech was not happy with the measurements taken. Blub's smallness was expected since both Kael and Malia came in at under 6 lbs. but it seemed that Blub either stopped growing or slowed down drastically enough to where she ordered me into Fetal Monitoring (or Stress Testing) immediately.

So I trudged up to the 8th floor and got hooked up. Luckily I fully charged Malia's DVD player and she was happily watching Dora. I settled back with 3 magazines and listened to the beep-beep-beep of the monitors for an hour.

Blub did well. Moved around in the beginning then settled down for a nap. The monitor caught some regular contractions on my end but nothing to go rushing into the hospital and gown up for.

My OB was in surgery so he will call me later when he gets a chance to review my chart. At this point in the game, according to the nurses, he will:
1) do nothing since I'm due anyway;
2) have me going in for monitoring until Blub arrives; or
3) induce me.

I'm not keen on inducing. Goes against my personal birthing beliefs. Unless of course there's fetal distress but it didn't sound as if Blub was in any of the sort. My OB is on-call this weekend so I figure I'll wait and see what happens. My next appointment is Tuesday and we'll take it from there.

Oh, I asked Sheri (the tech) how much do you think the baby weighs now? And according to the computer...... 5 lbs. 4 oz.

Holy smokes! That's even smaller than Malia. Hopefully it's wrong.

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