Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I made it!

To 39 weeks.

Not the post you wanted to read, I'm sure. And believe me, it's not the post I wanted to write.

As if, well... NOW... I'm still with child. I'm also officially trudging my way to 39 weeks, 1 day. Who woulda thunk I'd make it this far. Certainly not me, certainly not Truong. He's still calling me every day, asking me if I'd gone into labor yet.

Hello!! As if he wouldn't be the very first person I'd call when that event happens! I'm starting to feel bad whenever I call Truong or Shana just to chit chat. The very first thing they ask is: "Are you in labor??" And when I reply with a "no", they usually respond with a "OK, let me call you back -- I'm busy/On the phone/In a meeting/Nursing Anthony." My friend Erin in Michigan is starting to do that now too. Although she's not as bad. I do feel though that she's silently giving me an evil chuckle at the predicament that I'm in.

At my Monday appointment, I was 70% effaced and "barely 2cm dilated." I love how my OB stated that: "barely 2cm." Almost like he was throwing me a bone. I lost a little weight and Blub measured 33 cm (fundal height) -- last week Blub was measuring 34. However, Blub was facing sideways so I'm not worried about the difference.

I do have to go in for fetal monitoring twice a week and get an amnio fluid index u/s once a week until delivery. So far everything is looking OK -- no fetal distress -- so I'm sticking with my plan to not induce and let things ride. Unfortunately, the monitoring was not detecting any contractions either so it looks like this kid is going to bake in the Sonya Oven for another week.


On a good note, Dr. Linzey said that Blub should be packing on about 6 oz. every week. So if the computer prediction was correct almost 2 weeks age (5 lbs, 4 oz.) and I don't deliver until, say this weekend, I may get a 6 lbs baby after all.

Wouldn't that be great?!

PS... thanks to all of you who have written to me, asking how I'm doing and if I've had Blub. I promise to update the blog more regularly. I will have Wi-Fi connectivity in the hospital so I'll send out updates from there too.

Whenever I get there. Quite frankly, at this point, I take solace in knowing that I will eventually get there. Some day.


Anonymous said...

There's never been a case (at least documented) of a women being pregnant forever! Hope you're all doing well. Can't wait to meet the new little Mai!

Anne Marie said...

Thanks for the update- I've been checking in daily! I know how frustrating these last few weeks can be, my kids always baked close to 42 weeks. It's hard to feel excited to be pregnant for so long, but hopefully it'll mean blub will be that much healthier when she/he does arrive. Hang in there, you're in our thoughts!