Saturday, September 20, 2008

Inquiring minds want to know.

It has been brought to my attention that no one knows what I look like at 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I figure since eviction day is just around the corner, I'd better take a picture before I forget. Plus this way at least my hair is combed, I'm dressed, not in my jammies in the middle of the night rushing to the hospital.

Kael thought it was a kick to have his picture taken with a baby in his tummy.

And here's me solo.
My measurements:
Weight gain - 24 lbs
Belly button circumference - 39.5 inches

And yes, that's a maternity tank I'm wearing. It wasn't until recently that it started to get short on me. Truong made the comment tonight that I looked huge so I'm guessing Blub dropped some more sometime this afternoon. I've been feeling crampy on and off all day. I made the mistake of telling Shana and she turned Nervous Nelly on me. Hopefully tonight is the night -- at least for Shana's sake. I don't know who's more anxious about this birth: me or her.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you're really low! I predict you'll go in the next day or two!

ebickmeier said...

But inquiring minds want to know- is it still an XS maternity tank? If so, that barely counts :)

The Mom said...

Thanks to you, Erin, I dove back into my dirty laundry. And guess what -- it's a SMALL!! So HAH!

The Mom said...

Trace - that's so sweet of you to say so. But seriously, this kid has defied all predictions. So we shall see...