Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blub Update

As of today (I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow):

Mom's weight gain - 24 lbs
Blub - measuring 34 weeks

I'm 50% effaced and about a fingertip open. Last week my cervix was just starting to soften and not open at all.

Effacement is the process by which the cervix prepares for labor. 100% effacement means that the cervix is paper thin and labor is right around the corner.

With Kael I was walking around about 4 cm dilated for about 2 weeks. I don't remember how effaced I was but apparently being that much dilated didn't mean that labor was around the corner. With Malia, I was 3 cm dilated for 2 weeks and again, that meant nothing. So I'm not putting much thought in how many centimeters I'm dilated with Blub. I think effacement is a better indicator.

So that's how things stand. Blub has moved around enough so that s/he's facing the other way (facing east now when it was west last week). That might explain the extreme discomfort I was in all weekend. Ouch!

I'm torn between wanting Blub to come out now so I can move onto the next chapter of Mommyhood and wanting to bake Blub in the oven a bit more for a bigger baby. In the end it doesn't really matter what I want -- it's all up to Blub.

Once again, as usual, my children are in the drivers' seat of my life.

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