Monday, September 22, 2008

Do we stay or do we go?

So I've been having irregular contractions since yesterday. They are quite annoying since they can't seem to make up their mind about whether or not they are here to stay or if they are just teasers.

Tonight at dinner they started getting more painful. I mentioned it to Truong and Kael immediately picked up on it:

Kael: "What's wrong Mommy?"
Me: "Mommy's tummy hurts. But it's OK."

Kael (with an awareness that surprised me): "Is it the baby?"
Me (caught off guard): "Actually, yes, it is the baby."

Kael: "Is he coming out now?"
Me: "I'm not sure. Not right now, but maybe later. Are you excited to meet your new baby brother or sister?"

Kael: "Yes, but why isn't he coming out yet? I've been waiting a long time."
Me: "Why do you think the baby hasn't come out yet?"
He's already surprised me once, let's see how deep his thought process is in regards to Blub.

Kael: "Because he's too small to come out."

I'm surprised at his insight. I also remind myself to watch what I say on the cell phone around him. His grasp of the world is really taking off.

Anyway the conversation peters out and he soon forgets.

All throughout the evening and into the night I get contractions. Some are long and quite painful and others are short and not quite sweet but does count for a blip on the radar. I'm not sure what to do because the long hard ones are pretty hard. Enough to stop me in my tracks and start my measured breathing to coast through them. But again, they are not regular at all. Some are 8-10 minutes apart, others are 5-6 minutes apart. And I will get a few that are 12 minutes apart.

With Kael and Malia I was able to time my contractions without a doubt. These are really bugging me since they are all over the darn board. So I call Shana and we have a long discussion about the merits of going to the hospital or not. Actually, she tried to convince me and I said not yet. I doubt she'll get any sleep tonight, wondering, wondering if tonight is the night.

heh heh heh - it's all part of my evil plan to get back at her for trying to convince me to get an epidural.

So here I sit, posting an update, going through contractions, waiting for them to start building up. It would probably be an immense help if I could remember the timing. I just realized that I went through 2 contractions without actually seeing the clock. I mean, I look at the time, but I can't remember what time it read when the next contraction started.

Oy. It's going to be a long night.

I have a hellish day tomorrow with an OB appointment at 9:45am and then I have to pick up Kael from school for his and Malia's flu shots at 11:30am, take them to lunch, then drop him back off at school by 12:45pm, go home and put her down for a nap, then come back and pick him up from school at 3:00pm... so I will try to post as soon as possible.

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