Thursday, September 13, 2007

Can you get any luckier??

Let me tell you about my college friend Crystal. She and her husband Jimmy have this... special touch about them. It's almost like they are descendants of Midas. Everything they touch turns into, well, not gold, but I think something ever better, given this day and age.

What is their special touch you ask? They have what you call "contestia winningitis" where they win every single friggin contest there is out there to win.

I'm serious.

To date between Crystal and Jimmy, they have won:
- A Nissan Xterra SUV
- A Mini Cooper that they call Penelope
- A washer and dryer
- A ton of baby gear (they don't have children)
- Electronic equipment
- Lots of cold hard cash
- Trips to Mexico and Seattle
- Various other gadgets, do-dads and appliances

And these are only the prizes I remember -- I know there are a million more they've won. I just found out Crystal won a trip to Hawaii that they are going to take in February. Who the heck wins a trip to Hawaii and TWO cars?!!

Jimmy and Crystal - that's who.

I don't know why they continue to work. I think they should turn in their employee ID badge, win an RV and motor across America winning prizes as their new profession.

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