Friday, January 30, 2009

The Freckled Frog

Malia is absolutely loving her new dance class. She's always dancing now except it's not just "dancing" - it's "princess dancing."

Yeah, I know. This whole princess thing is getting out of hand. But she uses her imagination when playing princess and that's what I like to see. I have started saying things like "You're a strong princess" or "What a smart princess you are!" -- hoping that will stick more than the typical "pretty" remarks.

We start with some stretches. She's pretty flexible. Not something that she got from me. Or, come to think of it, her dad...

Doing the "Kitty Walk." I think that's what it's called. She doesn't like this move because it gets her tights dirty. Then she tries to hide her dirty tights because she knows she can't change it.

They were doing some sort of ballet run across the dance floor.

Token picture of Taede. What a good, patient baby! Poor little guy is the family baggage, hauled from one class to another.

Marching, marching! Except Malia is sweeping. We have to work on this move.

Heel-toe. Heel-toe.

Malia and Audrey. They've gotten in trouble once already. And I know it won't be an isolated incident.

Dancing is hard work.

Ribbon dancing. Except it's more like fishing because the ribbons are so long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, i'm just a rondom stranger passing by who chanced upon your blog. it's really cool how you keep a diary of your children's activities and interesting stuff :D your kids are really cute too! (: