Monday, May 12, 2008

Roomies Day... uh... 3?

Geez, has it really only been 3 days??

The anticipated head cold hit me with a vengeance last night and this morning I just wanted to crawl into a dark, quiet hole and stay there. But alas, such will never be the life of a mom.

Malia started crying at 1:00am. Yes. That's 1 o'clock in the (fricking) morning. I let her cry for a bit (about 3 minutes) then Truong couldn't take it anymore and ran to get her. Settled her in bed with us where she immediately quieted down and went back to sleep (the stinker). Meanwhile, since I was rudely woken up, my nose started to congest and I had the awful urge to blow it. I tried blowing it in bed, but that woke her up so I stopped but I was too tired to get out. So I laid there, willing the snot to go away. But the longer I laid there awake, the more pressing the need to pee became (one of the banes of being pregnant is the near constant urge to pee about half a teaspoon of urine each time). Physical need won out over laziness and I eventually dragged myself out of bed to take care of business.

I settle myself back into bed but I can never sleep well with Malia. She sleeps like Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man - completely spread out - and can't stand to be under the sheets. I need to be under the sheets to sleep but I can't with Malia for fear of suffocating her. So there's a constant tug of war between me and her unless I scootch way down the bed for the covers but if I do that then there becomes a war over my pillow: who gets it -- me or her?

Anyway, as I struggle to get some sleep between trying to find a happy place with Malia and ignoring Truong's snoring that I swear makes me want to put my pillow to other uses at times, who comes running into our bedroom at 4:30am?!

Jiminy Cricket! Can't these kids stay in their own rooms?!

Truong settles Kael into bed but he has to get up at 5:00am to catch his flight to Oakland.
(heh heh -- at least I'm not the only one not getting any sleep...)

So Mom plus 2 kids sleep way late. I can barely muster the strength to care about getting Kael to school on time because I'm feeling so cruddy. I somehow muddle through my day and get Malia to nap. Kael doesn't nap but I desperately need to otherwise I run the risk of putting the Exorcist to shame. So I haul out the portable DVD player and settle him into bed with me to watch The Magic School Bus. OK, so he watched 5 episodes. I was really tired.

Tonight I think Malia knew I was running at half tank because she was like a vine attached to me. I had to pry her off me just so I could heat up dinner: unwrap her from my body, toss her on the couch and run to the kitchen to do what I needed to do before she scooted off the couch to follow me screaming. It was so much to handle that the Shit-O-Meter needle flew from Why Me? straight to Comical.

Got the kids to bed at 8:10pm. I read them both their own books and tucked them in. Gave last kisses (and sure, a threat to Kael to stay in his bed) and closed the door. I waited to hear the chatting but it was pretty minimal tonight. Mostly Malia playing her crib. At 8:36pm I went to take a shower and she was in the sleeping position -- not quite asleep with her leg kicking every once in a while but definitely ready to drift off. Kael in the meantime, I can only assume is somewhere in his bed. I can't tell. I think he's under the covers which is a good sign.

So even though I feel like crap, it's been a good night. Now I'm hoping they stay in their beds until morning.

Total time: 26 minutes. I'm feeling optimistic of the sleeping arrangements.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you of the Potential Disaster: Linny (from the Wonder Pets) is missing. She went to bed with him last night but as of this morning I can't find him. I'm trying to quietly look for him without alerting her but he's not under her crib or in tangled in her blanket or pillow. Perhaps Kael took him and hid him or maybe she threw him (Linny, not Kael) and he rolled under Kael's bed. I haven't had much time to search. Luckily she's not noticed that he's MIA and I've changed our bedtime routine a bit to not include the Wonder Pets in the final good nights. So unless I find him tomorrow I think we're taking a trip to... oh crap. Where did I get him? Toys R Us, Target or Walmart??

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