Saturday, May 3, 2008

Any skin friendly glues out there??

That's pretty much the only thing that will probably keep her shoes on her feet.


It's gotten to a point where the instant I open her car door, she immediately says: "No shoes, Mama. Walk feet." Her shoes are (of course) off and tossed helter-skelter somewhere in the bowels of the car. I've decided it's easier and less stressful to not even put shoes on her feet until we get to our destination. Otherwise I waste precious few minutes (minutes that we usually don't have because we're most likely already late) looking for those damn shoes. And then the battle of trying to velcro her shoes onto feet that are pedaling madly in the air, trying to avoid getting shoe'ed -- well, that's just the cherry on top.

She will tolerate her Keens. She will not allow sneakers. And I've figured out why: it's because she can easily take off Keens. Sneakers piss her off because they don't come off as easily in the car. I've driven around with her in a fit of rage because she couldn't get her Converse's off.

heh-heh-heh... wouldn't life suck if I "accidentally" lose her Keens?

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