Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 4

Last night was great! The kids fell asleep with minimal talking, no goofing around and best of all, they both stayed in bed. Malia woke up first this morning at just before 7:00am and started quietly calling Kael's name. I don't know if he was already awake or if she woke him up but they eventually both lounged in their own beds, chatting quietly. It was so sweet.

As for myself, I took 2 Sudafeds at bedtime at the urging of my drug-pushing friends (Shana and Erin) but I have to admit it did help clear my head. Gave me awful cotton mouth but I was able to sleep relatively clear headed. I usually don't take medicines of any kind unless I'm at death's door but last night I was glad I did.

The kids went down tonight at 8:10pm with hardly any chatting. I reminded Kael again that his bed is for Kael and her crib is for Malia. You both need to stay in your own beds and go to sleep. The inevitable "Why?" came up and the best answer I could think of was: "Because if you don't sleep tonight, then you won't be able to go to school tomorrow." Luckily he loves school so that answer worked like a charm. I don't know for how long that will be a Go card for him so I'll use it while I can.

It's 8:50pm and Kael's been asleep for some time, curled under his blankets. At this point in time, I don't know if he's actually asleep or just trying to escape Malia's chatter. I see that she's launched all her toys in her crib in his direction in an effort to interact with him. Maybe he went under the sheets to avoid getting SCUD missile'd with the Backyardigans (boy is she going to be pissed tomorrow morning when she fully realizes what she's done). Malia up until about 8:40pm, was still chatting, more to herself than to Kael since she hadn't been able to get a response from him. She's been pretty quiet and still now, so maybe she finally fell asleep too. It's hard to tell because she's under her pillow with only her feet in view, kind of like the Wicked Witch of the East under Dorothy's house.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another good night.

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