Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Shower Scene

You know how Mom's have that incredible power to read their children and predict their behaviors? How they don't even have to look in the right direction to stop their kids in their tracks with a well-placed "Don't even think about it!"?

I have that power. I have it!! And it's so cool, so satisfying to see that look of "how did she know that?" run across Kael's face.

Truong and I were making our bed as the kids were taking their nighttime shower. It's kind of a long process (the bed-making) as we have several layers to tuck in. In the background is the sound of the shower running, drowned out by the sound of the kids talking and playing. On layer #4, I hear a subtle change in their play. I can't quite describe it. Perhaps it was a change in the pitch of their laughter, a shift in the cadence of their talk. Just something. So I ran over to make sure everything was OK, that Malia was still standing, that Kael wasn't giving her soapy water to drink to "wash her mouth" or feeding her the bar of soap in lieu of toothpaste. I whipped open the shower door, looked in, called to Truong: "Honey, come here quick! QUICK!!" and hustled off to grab my camera.

A little of this...

A little of that....

And *voile* - the masterpiece!

I asked Kael what he was doing and he said he was "fixing her hair." And then he laughed. But not in a nice way. It was more in an evil heh-heh way, full of the knowledge that we were all laughing at her and he was reveling in it.

It was freaking hilarious.

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