Monday, November 5, 2007

Oh Tomato, how I love you so!

Your skin is so red and your flesh so firm. I love how your seeds tickle my tongue and run down my chin. You leave a wonderful stain on my clothes... to remind me of your sweet taste, until the next time we meet.

That's Malia's current favorite food: the Tomato.

We feasted on Taco Bell last night -- that's what happens when Dad goes out of town: the orphaned family dines out. She ate her bean burrito fine... until she saw the tomato bits on my taco. At least I hope they were tomatoes. They looked like tomatoes but hey, we're talking Taco Bell here so it was something tomato-like. At any rate, she refused all other foods after picking apart my taco, fingering her way through to get the tomato bits. After leaving my taco in pieces, she demanded more bits. Luckily I just happened to have one whole tomato left in the fridge. I can't even remember why I had that in there. But it was still nice and firm so I was able to chunk it. And she gobbled it all up. Thus concluded our Sunday night dinner: half a bean burrito and a tomato. I figure the fresh tomato balanced out the bean burrito so we're good.

By the way, if your inner plumbing ever gets clogged up... eat a tomato. Clears it all out by the afternoon nap.

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