Tuesday, November 6, 2007

18 month stats

Soo.... we had our 18 month well-baby visit today. It's hard to believe my little peanut is 18 months old. By this age with Kael I was really getting the baby itch. This time around, I'm not so itchy and I have to contribute that to Malia being so small that I still see her as a baby. I didn't even pack away her Halloween shirts because I know she'll still fit into them next year. I've already got her winter holiday shirts out from last year out and yup, they still fit. In fact, they fit better this year than they did last year. At least I'm really getting my money's worth out of her clothes.

Back to her appointment:
Weight - 16lbs, 15oz
Length - 30 inches (they think - she was pretty squirrely and put up a huge fight so it was hard to get an accurate reading)

On the positive side, she's not losing weight. On the negative side, she's not gaining much. She's sort of plateaued in her growth.

However, since she made several successful attempts to escape the exam room, streak down the hallway, and made it all the way to the waiting room in nothing but her diaper with me in hot pursuit, the Dr. said he's pretty confident that she's healthy and he's not too worried. Just keep feeding her healthy stuff (I obviously didn't tell him about our dinner last night) and she'll eat what she eats.

On the home front, she's shown an interest in the potty and has actually gone in there a few times. I was very excited and while I'm not pushing her at all, the potty is now out and on prominent display. She likes it so much that she will drag it from room to room. It's truly her little throne.

The problem is once I get her diaper off to use the potty, she won't let me put the diaper back on (from the look of things, both my kids are natural nudists). She doesn't totally get using the potty yet (the times she's done it is because I got her to sit on it every 2 minutes) so I've had to clean a few accidents already. It's too cold to run around pantless and quite honestly, I'm just not ready to start the training process. So I go back and forth on it. Unfortunately, training undies aren't made in her size. The smallest I've found starts at size 24 months (or 22lbs.) so we'd have to do bare-naked training.

In the winter. Burr!

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