Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Spare

You know that saying: "The Heir and the Spare"? It applies to our family.

In the Mai Household, it's the Heir, the Princess and the Spare. Poor Taede. I've taken no pictures of him. I've hardly purchased any new clothes. He's got no new toys. He's made to nap on the run, around Kael's schedule first (the Heir) and then Malia's schedule second (the Princess). And if I feel I can squeeze another 30 minutes out of him, I'll do a run to the grocery store or Target.

Knowing that I may have to deal with some resentment from him when he grows up and realizes what a large shaft he was given as a baby, I hauled out my camera and snapped some pictures of our little bug.

Malia loves him so much. I'm pretty sure she knows he's a live person as opposed to a really cool interactive doll.

Pretty sure...

One last shot together before some solo shots of Taede.

OK Malia, Mommy wants to take some pictures of Taede by himself.

Malia is like white on rice with him.

And finally - Taede.

Our Spare.

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