Sunday, November 16, 2008

San Jose Trip, Part I (October)

I actually had pictures loaded up in Flickr days ago but couldn't find the time to write up the post to go with it. Between getting hit with the stomach flu (which was horrible and I'd rather go through childbirth again than get a repeat of it) and the fires (we were evacuated but obviously still had a home at the end of the day), I'm just now making the official post. Add on the fact that I'm thisclose to calling in for an exorcism of Malia and Taede wanting to nap but can't seem to (maybe the fact that he's screaming his head off has something to do with it?) I feel like I'm living in bizarro-world because no one's life could be this hectic and crazy, and yet strangely manage to accomplish nothing at the end of the day. It's weird.

Anyway, the pictures. My sister had my camera so I had a lot of strange pictures to cull through. Over 100 pictures, actually. And all from the Academy of Sciences (AoS). She went bonkers and I shudder to think what would happen if I had a film camera instead of a digital.

Having 3 kids, it dawned on me on this trip that taking pictures is virtually impossible. Especially with a gigantic DSLR hanging off my neck, banging into Taede, waking him up. This is the reason why I only have pictures of the one day at the Academy (thanks to my trigger happy sister) and none from the wedding in Santa Cruz.

We had a great time at the AoS. The exhibits were truly amazing, especially the Rain Forest with all the birds and butterflies. We got an annual pass so we plan on making a trek to AoS at least once each visit. It's one of those places where there's always something new to look at.

From San Jose we headed to Santa Cruz for my brother-in-law's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, albiet a wet one. It rained and poured but that only added to the magical feel. The wedding site was in a remote part of the Santa Cruz mountains, with no cell phone reception, no TV, one pay phone and nowhere near a store or restaurant. I have to admit I had (a lot) of concerns heading up there with a newborn but I had nothing to worry about in the end. We stayed in the main house with 5 other families (17 people in all, including 2 newborns and 5 kids between 5 years and 12 months old). Luckily the house was quite large and very cozy. Much nicer that I envisioned. I guess that's the benefit of coming into a situation with a worst case scenario imprinted in my brain: whatever you end up getting is way better than your fears. I'll pull some pictures off other people's sites to share. It really was a beautiful wedding.

The kids had a great time with their family (Pham's and Mai's). We took a chance and drove during the day since Taede seemed to sleep well during the day (at that age anyway -- it's totally different now). Aside from flashing a few truckers while I nursed him, the car ride was pretty uneventful. Taede did great sleeping in his car seat. As for the big kids, all I can say is "Thank god for portable DVD players." I don't know how my parents road tripped with 5 kids every summer. They must be saints.

Or deaf.

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