Monday, November 17, 2008

The Artist

Malia has always loved art. Less for the "creation" part of it, and more for the "messiness" potential. She likes to paint the most but not so much on paper. Unless you consider skin a natural form of paper. She didn't really get crayons and coloring. Not even the Color Wonder stuff. She scribbled some and then asked for paint.

I tried to help her hold the marker correctly but she refused to listen, preferring instead to grad them in her fist, like a butcher knife. Absolutely refused to take any kind of direction, suggestion or even vague hints.

But, while we were in Santa Cruz for the wedding, it **clicked**. Strange but true and pretty neat that I knew the exact moment when Malia realized that coloring books had pictures that were meant to be colored in and not scribbled over. Ever since then she's been holding her crayons and markers the correct way, while diligently coloring within the lines. The look of concentration on her face is so cute, so intent. And she's pretty good at it too!

Look at how focused she is. She would not talk to me or look at me, and I'm not sure she even heard me talking to her.

A close-up of her work. I colored the dude with the green hair. She worked on the mermaid all by herself. She's pretty good for a 2.5 year old.

Even though she's discovered coloring, that's not to say that she still doesn't love art and creating. In fact, her favorite art medium is... urine.

Yes, you read that correctly.

At least it's her own. And before you get totally grossed out, let me explain. She doesn't touch it or stick a paint brush in it or do anything gross that would require sanitizing. She pees in her little potty and when she's done, she stands up and declares what it is:
"Look, Mommy! I made an egg!"
"Look, Mommy! I made a donut!"
"Look, Mommy! I made the letter 'C'!"

My personal favorite:
"Look, Mommy! I made a seahorse!"

And I'll be damned: it REALLY DID look like a seahorse. I should have taken a picture but her masterpiece was starting to converge into one big puddle in the pot.

Ahh, my little Picasso.

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