Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mrs. Apple

A lot of people were affected by the fires that scorched a path through Yorba Linda, Brea and Anaheim Hills last week. We were lucky. Despite being under a mandatory evacuation order and despite having houses burn down the street from us, our house was untouched.

Mrs. Marilyn Apple was not so lucky. She's a secretary at Kael's school. A very warm, kind woman who always takes the time to greet my kids every day. It was a daily ritual last year for Malia to climb onto Mrs. Apple's lap for a hug and a quick chat while dropping off and picking up Kael from class. Mrs. Apple lost her home to the fires. It was a complete loss.

Fairmont Private School declared Friday a Free Dress Day in honor of Mrs. Apple and started a collection to help alleviate some of the financial hardship that she undoubtedly is going through. Kael asked that we help Mrs. Apple and I suggested that he draw a card for her.

This is what he drew:

A new house for her live in.
A large yard with a fish pond, a pool and a flower garden.
He also thought she would like to go on a plane ride and so he drew her a plane.
Lastly, since her name is "Mrs. Apple," he drew her an apple tree.

(BTW, the "Your the best" was part of the card.)

I thought it was such a sweet card I had to share.

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