Thursday, November 6, 2008

Practice Preschool

I've been running out of stuff to do with Malia at home. There's only so much play-doh, floam, coloring and painting that I can do with her. Additionally, Taede is proving to be a true Mai Kid with his napping issues: waking up every 10 minutes or so. I'm constantly running up the stairs to coax another 10 minute nap out of him and then back down to Malia, hoping that she hadn't eaten any play-doh or painted the walls with her finger paints.

She's ready for school but I couldn't enroll her at Kael's school because she was too young. Instead I enrolled her at a Practice Preschool class provided by the city of Yorba Linda. I did this with Kael and he seemed to really enjoy it. It prepares the kids for Circle Time, sitting on your carpet square, playing with other kids. It's a parent participation class so Taede comes along for the ride.

The first day of class, after breakfast, I asked her if she wanted to go to school. She was so excited that she immediately ran to the car and threw out a "Bye Daddy! Bye Kael!" as she ran past them. Then she added: "I'm going to school to make some new friends!"

It was hilarious. I couldn't believe that came out of her mouth. Then I thought: "Boy, is she really that bored at home with me?!"

We get to the school and we wait outside until the class door opens. I purposefully arrive early knowing that Taede will most likely need a diaper change and a feeding. In the middle of nursing him outside on the bench, the teacher Mrs. Karla opens the door and invites everyone in. I obviously couldn't go in as I had a baby stuck on me. Malia however, could hardly wait and kept nagging me to "Hurry up Mommy! Let's go to school! All my friends are in school!" It was really cute. It also started making me feel like I was keeping her a prisoner at home.

We get in and she starts to play. We move onto storytime then crafts. More playtime then a final circle time. At the last circle time Mrs. Karla tried to get the kids to interact a bit. She had a large board with pieces of colored felt attached on it. She hid Cookie Monster behind a piece of felt and the kids were supposed to call out the color of the piece they thought Cookie Monster was hiding behind.

At first no one said a thing. I heard some parents trying to encourage their kid to call out a color. So I encouraged Malia to name a color. She quietly named one and Mrs. Karla whipped off the felt and announced "Oops! No monster here! Where do you think he is?"

Malia quietly named another color -- "Oops! No monster here!"

Then the game clicked. She started shouting out the colors: Yellow! Green! Pink! Brown! She was the only kid naming colors. It was funny as heck. Linda said something about it being the first day of school and already she's the teacher's pet. So academically, I'm pretty confident Malia can hang. It's the seperation part that we're going to have issues with.

Story time next to her buddy Megan.

Making her very own Monster.

The backside of her Monster. That's how she shows me something to take a picture of: always facing her.

Playing with Audrey. It's a Love-Hate relationship with these two.

Not quite sure what's going on here but it's a cute picture of the three girls.

Here she is yelling out the colors. She's even got her little finger out, pointing the way.

Music time. She's looking for me. I kept sneaking away to snap pictures. This is why I think we're going to have separation issues once we head to real preschool.

We are enrolling to start January 2009, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30am - 11:30am. I've got a teacher that I plan on requesting (and actually just found out today the teacher already put in the request for Malia to be in her class) so we're all set.

I just have to let her go. That's the hardest part of all.

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