Thursday, August 30, 2007

The House of Bugs

That's what the neighbors will be calling our home. Kael is so completely fascinated with creepy crawlies. I know he's going to bring home some weird insect to keep as a pet in his room. He's not afraid to touch bugs and actually likes it when they crawl on him. Yuck! He must get this from Truong because I am beyond creeped out with bugs and it takes everything I have to not run away screaming when he sticks a bug inches from my face to get a closer look.

Thanks to Dad, he's now chasing after and sometimes even catching lizards in our yard. Wouldn't that be a great life-cycle teaching lesson: keeping a lizard in the same container as his bug?

Kael found an inch worm and he was in heaven.

Ugh - I'm getting itchy just looking at this picture.

I am already dreading the time when he asks about raising those #$%*@ silk worms again. My hopes that he'll eventually forget about them are pretty futile as he still talks about them to everyone he meets.

Our Little Angel
Here are some pictures I took of Malia napping this morning.

Doesn't she look so angelic?

So sweet?

So precious?

Well... it took her about 2 hours of goofing off in the crib, with one poopy diaper change and one putting-her-pants-back-on visit before she finally nodded off. Unfortunately, she fell asleep close to 11:00am and I had to wake her up at 11:30am to pick up Kael from school.

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