Monday, May 11, 2009

Eating chunks

I've been trying to feed Taede solids since he turned 6 months old (about 6 weeks ago). So far, I've been less than successful. But you knew this since I posted my failed attempts here and here.

I've not really pushed hard on the whole solids thing since I figure he'll eat when he's ready. Usually by 7 months my kids express an interest in food.

Not so Taede. Any attempt on my part to feed him, even get a spoon near his mouth, has been shot down. I can't even get the spoon past his lips. He doesn't bother looking at me when he pinches in his lips, sealing it shut to any amount of prying pressure I exert.

The past couple of weeks I've tried experimenting with foods. That food chart and wait 3 days thing? Forget about it. I'm feeding him all kinds of stuff, trying to find something he likes so we can started with solids. I'm worried the longer I wait, the more stubborn he becomes.

Luckily, I think I've figured it out. He definitely likes the sweet stuff like bananas, sweet yams and avocadoes. But the key is feeding it to him chunky. I've started him on the puffs too. It's hilarious watching his face trying to mash the bits of food.

I stuck a puff in his mouth. He's moving it around....

He thinks he likes it. Maybe.

He's attempting to feed himself. Except his hands are wet with drool so the puffs are sticking to the palm of his hand.

So he's going to stick his whole hand in his mouth.

Success! But don't laugh too hard otherwise it'll fall out.

Great. All that effort and Kael's going to make Taede laugh and he's going to lose the puff.

And there it goes. Stuck on his fingers. Yummy.

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