Friday, March 20, 2009

Poop Watch -- Day 4

We are on Day 4 of no pooping for Taede. Beats me why he's suddenly not pooping when it was a regular occurrence before. He's farting great so I would hazard a guess and assume nothing's blocking him. They are pretty beefy farts too so I don't want to know what's going on in his gut.

Since he's a few days shy of 6 months old, I figured I'd start him on solids now (baby oatmeal) with the hopes that the extra fiber will get his plumbing moving. And to really speed things up, rather than mixing the baby oatmeal with plain water or breast milk, I'd mix it with diluted prune juice.

I can hear Shana's words floating in my head now: "Just when you least expect it, he's going to have a massive poop and you'll have shit from ankles to neck with no wipes or extra diaper in sight. Just wait, Sonya!"

Sheesh. Talk about a Little Miss Sunshine.

Anyway, I had Truong take pictures and here's the pictorial of Taede's first solids meal.

Sitting quietly, knowing there's something going on, but not sure what.

"Whatever it is, I don't want it. It's not a boob -- get it out of my mouth!"

Tasting it. Letting it roll around in his mouth.

"Oh man! Another one?!"

"Mom! What the hell is this crap you're feeding me?!"

"No more. I don't want anymore!"

"I mean it: No. More. And get that camera out of my face! Feeding time is over. Give me a boob!"


Di Dodo Family Blog said...

girl bib???? come on... for pictures at least get the gender appropriate colors....right????t....

ebickmeier said...

Oh my god!!! So busted by Shana on the girl bib!!! I have to agree with her on this one- should have used a boy one since it is documented for posterity...