Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Madame Butterfly

A couple of weeks ago Malia's friend Rylan had her 2nd birthday party but we missed it due to a family commitment. The theme was Frog Prince and Fairy Princess. Even though they didn't attend, the kids still got the party favors: a crown for Kael and fairy wings for Malia.

They loved it. Especially Malia. She was on cloud nine, dancing around the house, running into walls as she tried to see the wings on her back as she ran. She refused to take off her wings and it was a challenge to get her in the car to go to the library. G'ma took her wings off to put her in the car seat, which resulted in a massive tantrum. To compromise, G'ma had to put on her wings in front, meaning on her chest. I should have taken a picture.

I did take pictures of our little fairy at the library:

Here she is outside the library.

Our little flower-fairy child.

Playing on the computer.

Sitting like a little lady...

Running back and forth, trying to catch some air.

I've since had to hide her wings unless I know we're going to be home for a while. I don't know where this girly-girl came from. I'm still a tomboy to this day and her girly tendencies are cracking me up and baffling me too. Her fierce need to wear purple (her favorite color) was at first cute and funny. Two months later, her desire to wear purple is crossing over to the "obsessive" side. For example, she's got 4 pairs of cute shoes, including a pair of sandals specifically purchased to be worn in the warm weather. She refuses to wear all but her Converses. Why? you ask. Because the Converses have purple in them. Only the Converses have purple in them so she will only wear the Converses. In fact, she's wearing them in the pictures above -- and probably in every picture taken in the last 8 weeks.

I finally caved in and bought her a pair of purple Keens this morning at REI. I had to. It's getting too hot to wear socks and her feet were starting to stink in a bad way from going sans socks. The look on her face as she clutched the Kool-Aid grape colored Keens to her chest was comical. Truong is predicting that she'll be wearing the Keens for the next 5 months.

Sadly, I'm thinking more like 6 + months or until she outgrows them.

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