Monday, April 28, 2008

Backyard Water Fun: Episode 1

Since we practically roasted this weekend, we finally broke out the water playmat in the backyard for its inaugural run. And it was... mildly successful. Sure the kids loved it. But Kael complained the water from the hose was too cold.

Umm. Hello! It was 100 degrees outside! You want it to be cold! And since Malia loves to ape everything Kael does and says, she also said it was too cold. Sheesh.

Enjoy the pictures.

See his face? "Mom, it's too cold!"
What -- you want a wetsuit or something?!

We started off wearing clothes...

But somehow we lost the top... and she's much happier.

Malia making a mad dash through the sprinklers.

Kael decides it's not so cold after all.

The kids taking a few minutes to warm up in the sun.

Kael making a big splash.

Trying to catch water.

"Malia! Time to come inside!"
Do you think she's happy hearing that?

"Come on, Malia. Playtime is over! Please come inside."
You can just see her thinking "No" and pondering how to keep playing.

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