Tuesday, February 19, 2008



It's official: Kael's outgrown the nap. The kid went from a superb napper of 2-3 hours in the afternoon to zero... zilch... no hours. It's killing me. The afternoon is MY time to do MY things, to veg in front of the TV to watch MY shows. And now I've got Kael hanging around my neck: what are you doing, Mom? Can I watch TV? Can I play on the computer? Can you take me to the park? Can I eat some of that?

Don't get me wrong. I love Kael to death. I love spending time with him. I love playing with him. I love talking to him.

Just not from 6:30am when he wakes up until 8:30pm when he goes to bed. OK, sure he's in school from 8:30am - 12:00pm. But then I have Malia. Again, like Kael, I love her to death, love spending time with her, etc., etc...

But come on! It's as if the kids are tag teaming me: he's in school, I have her. She naps, he's wide awake, bouncing off the walls. She wakes up, and he's grouchy because he's tired. Ack! Kill me now!

Right now I've got him in his room for at least an hour. If luck is with me, he'll get bored and fall asleep. Usually though, my luck is in the crapper and he's just biding his time before he opens his door and searches for me. About 50% of the time, I'll send him back to his room to play with the door closed because I've spent all my precious kid-free afternoon time cleaning up the house and making my lunch. I've had no Sonya Time. So I send him back in for 30 minutes so I can check email and surf the web for a bit before the guilt kicks in and I set him free.

It's a new time adjustment for me -- one that I seem to be struggling with more than when he went from 3 to 2 to 1 nap a day as he grew up. Knowing what I know now, my kids will be participating in many after school activities.

I plan on having them letter in every sport offered.

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