Monday, February 18, 2008

Cream filled cookies

I love cream filled cookies, like Oreos. Oh man, they are so good with milk. I don't buy them often but when I get a craving, I'll go through a bag in about a week. By myself.

For New Year's my mom sent up some French style creme filled cookies that the kids absolutely love. They are pretty darn good and I'm bummed that we're down to one package. Malia in particular really likes these cookies and will take her time eating them. Because of this, she's discovered the creme layer in between the cookie sandwich. She's become quite adept at separating the cookie to get to the creme:

The filling is all over the place: on the table, on all five fingers, on her clothes. Somehow (miraculously) she didn't get any on her hair. Go figure...

She uses her thumb to carefully scrape off filling. She's pretty good at it.


Oh yeah, baby. Come to mama!

The only time you'll see her sucking her fingers.

I guess this is what I get for giving into my sweet cravings while I was pregnant with her. At the time I didn't see anything wrong with buying a whole a cake and eating it by myself.

Wait. That's not considered weird now, is it?

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