Friday, March 20, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

Friday nights are typically Kael's sleep-over nights at Grandma's. The house is insanely quiet -- it's kinda spooky. Malia gets our undivided attention and so far she's not mentioned anything negative about not going to Grandma's too. The only comment she made was a "I want my Big Brother with me." However, she goes to bed fine alone and makes no fuss or shows signs of being scared, sleeping alone.

Daddy came home early-ish today and wanted to take her to Toys R Us to get a new toy. I don't know what's afflicted him, but for lack of a better term, I'll call it Daddy Blindness. When he mentioned that he wanted to take her to get a new toy, he added the comment that only Kael gets new toys now. Malia gets nothing. It's not fair.

Are you freaking kidding me?? The girl has got every princess made (she's missing Mulan and that's just because Disney hasn't made one yet), a castle, a treasure trove of princess outfits with coordinating bling and shoes, several tutus, a fully stocked kitchen and a tea set for 4. That's just the stuff downstairs that she plays with regularly.

Okaaay. So Daddy and his girl head off to Toys R Us while Mommy and her little man take a bath.

I come out from putting Taede down and Malia comes running out from the den, super excited about the toy Daddy bought for her:

Are you seeing that clearly? Dad bought Malia (who's not yet 3 years old), a make-up kit. From Barbie.


Despite my disbelief at Dad's judgment call, it was very sweet to see how excited Malia was. She of course did not know how to use the make-up since I hardly ever wear the stuff myself. She liked it for the comb and hair dryer. She thought it was a hair dresser kit and used the make-up as such (running the make-up brushes through my hair, etc.). I was torn between (a) letting her play in her innocence and (b) showing her the proper way of using the kit before her imaginary play got set in stone and thus running the risk of having her get teased in school.

Knowing my children's propensity for really getting onto their imaginations, I opted to show her how to use the kit.

So we had a makeover with Malia before bedtime until Mom and Dad were (finally) declared beautiful and fancy (a la Fancy Nancy, the book). Packed her off into bed with a story (princess of course) and hopefully sleep will come soon. Last I checked, she hauled the kit back into bed and hid it under her pillow.

Oh boy. We're in for some trouble with her.

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