Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vanity vs comfort

So here I am 2 weeks postpartum. I'm feeling pretty good -- I have been since leaving the hospital. I'm hanging in there, driving the kids around, doing my regular mom stuff. People are surprised that I'm out and about so soon after giving birth. Why they are surprised, I don't know. I have 2 other children whose life continues despite the added competition for parental attention. My friend Katelyn continues to nag me to take it easy, that she didn't leave the house for 3 months after having her daughter. ("Aren't you worried about germs?")

First of all, she's only got ONE kid. Staying home is easy to do with just a single.

Second, if I stayed home for 3 months with 3 kids, I'd totally lose it and some kind of mental and bodily harm would ensue.

And third, whatever germs are waiting outside my door waiting to invade my youngest, will inevitably piggyback on Kael from school. So what does it matter if Taede gets it from the world outside or from his siblings globbing all over him? If Taede gets it while at Target, at least I'll have done some shopping.

Anyway, I'm back to shuttling the kids back and forth. Luckily it's still pretty warm out so I'm still able to wear tanks as they are the easiest to pull down and nurse in. My dilemma is in regards to my pants. I'm at the half-way stage where I'm not fitting my regular pants yet. If I sucked in really hard, I can manage to button up my pre-pregnancy pants. The problem is I'd have a mega-muffin top. There's no need to see that. I'm already flashing boob, I don't need to complete the picture with a mushroom burst of loose postpartum flab. My maternity pants on the other hand, are very comfortable but there's something wrong with wearing maternity pants when I'm no longer pregnant.

Isn't there?

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