Monday, December 31, 2007

We are home. Finally.

We actually drove home Saturday but spent the last 2 days recuperating from the trip. We got on the road at 11:20am (after dim sum - yum!) and finally staggered through our front door at 7:00pm. That's right folks. It took us 7 hours and 40 minutes. If there was ever any question regarding our insanity to hitting the road at 3:00am, it has been laid to rest.

It was a great trip. The kids played non-stop with their cousins and I ate pretty much every 2 hours. Luckily I brought several pairs of elastic-waisted fleece pants (room for stretch AND warmth - I'm so smart!). Most nights (probably 6 out of the 7) Kael didn't get to bed until close to 10:00pm. And naps? Pshhht! Naps, schmaps. He doesn't need no stinking naps! Needless to say, when we got home, he crashed pretty hard and has been catching up on his zzz's. He does miss having sleepovers with his cousins though. He's asked to have his friends over so I think we will have to seriously entertain that idea soon. (Am I insane to even contemplate hosting a sleepover with 2 four year olds??)

Malia was literally a growth on Dad the entire trip. She had to be surgically removed from him, kicking and screaming. Even I couldn't get her off Dad. When asked to go to Mom so Dad could eat, go to the bathroom, etc., she'd shake her head and say her favorite words: No No No. Truong ended up taking her to the bathroom with him. He "protests" it, saying it's a pain in the rear, but I know he's secretly tickled pink at her Daddy Obsession. The difference between Mom and Dad is: when something needs to be done, I'll leave her on the floor to do her diva act while I do what I have to do. Dad, well, it breaks his heart to hear her cry so he ends up trying to juggle 4-5 things with her in his arms. She can smell the weak link like a dog can smell bacon.

Our last meal with the family was dim sum, Saturday mid-morning. It was great. We took over 2 tables as there were (only) 17 immediate family members available for breakfast. I knew Kael was going to have a hard time saying good-bye so I made sure to give him plenty of time instead of just sticking him the car and driving away. Not sure if that was a tactical error or not, but he refused. In fact, he not only refused, but he demonstrated a very deep anger at me for taking him away from his cousins. His exact words were: "I don't want to go home! I never want to go home! I want to stay here forever!" and the icing on the cake: "I hate home!"


Everyone gave him hugs and kisses with promises to come visit but that only made things worse. It made him want to stay even more. I felt really bad. Until he hit me. POW! right on the head. Then I got mad and tossed him in the car seat. By then he was in a sullen silence.

And that was how we started the trip home. The long trip home. But we had a surprise waiting for him at home: Santa's present. The one present he's asked for, for the past couple of months: the Rescue Heros Rescue Shark Submarine. It has about 110 little pieces that are perfect for getting lost and choking Malia, and he's totally in love with it. He's so in love with it that he (without prompting) asked for a pen and paper to write a thank you note to Santa. And entrusted me with the task of mailing it to Santa. So now the note is in my car, waiting to be mailed. Anyone want to volunteer to be "Santa"?

All in all, it was a very nice Christmas.

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