Sunday, October 25, 2009


Last week we went to Disneyland's Spooktacular with some friends. It was our first time so there were some hiccups as we didn't know what to expect.

FYI - The Spooktacular is an event held at California Adventure open to just Spooktacular ticket holders. The park is closed to the general public and everyone is encouraged to dress up and go trick or treating. Depending on when you go, you can come home with obscene amounts of candy.

We decided to go on a Friday.
Pro: there's no school day the next day.
Con: it started at 7:30pm. (Remember my kids' bedtimes are 7:00pm for Taede and 7:30pm for Kael and Malia.)

The kids had a nice time... for about 45 minutes then they started feeling the late night. We went on some rides too which required line waiting so that took time away from actual Trick or Treating. Next time: we're on a mission. No rides until we get all the loot.

I've been told that if we had gone earlier in the month and on a Thursday, the crowds would have been less and we would have gotten more candy. The nice part about Thursday is it starts at 6:30pm. So if I can convince Truong to go again next year, we're definitely going on a Thursday at the beginning of October.

All in all we had a good time. We'll definitely change some things around next year so it's more manageable with the kids.

Here are some pictures:

Malia in her Fairy costume.

Taede is wearing a glow-in-the-dark Skeleton PJ set. Why PJ's, you ask? So it's easy to wrap him later to sleep.

Joey, Riley, Lauren, Kael, Malia and Taede.

Daisy Duck dancing with Malia while Malia kept saying "Trick or Treat!" expecting Daisy to fork over some candy.

The scarecrow was a real guy, hanging out, making funny/rude comments at everyone. He was pretty funny.

Malia and Audrey. Fairies galore!

Here's the whole group with Megan (Batgirl) and Audrey (Pink Fairy)

Malia totally enjoying her lollipop with Cari and Audrey.

See? His PJ's worked out great!

"Oh! I like your purple wings, Muh-Me-ah!"
"Thank you Audrey! I like your pink wings too!"
These girls...

This is what happens when your Daddy's a doctor: he makes you eat apples at a Trick or Treating event. Check out that look of dismay on poor Audrey's face.

And sitting right next to Audrey, rubbing salt on her wounds, her "BFF" licking that lollipop with relish...

The look on Audrey's face. Priceless!

My friend Brooke!

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