Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Last bedtime check.

We always do a final bedtime check on the big kids before we retire ourselves. Making sure the room is comfortable, turn off (or on) the ceiling fan, straighten out the covers, make sure Kael's not too close to the edge of the bunk bed, fix Malia if she's done something weird like tuck herself into the pillow case, etc.

The natural order of the checking process is Kael first. He's on top so he's in the natural line of vision. For Malia, we have to duck, walk into the room and search for her.

One night a couple of weeks ago, this is what I saw:

09-10-02 K+M bed1
Kael's bed. Where the...?!!

09-10-02 K+M bed2

Well, at least they are both accounted for. That's what's important, right?

I almost never see Malia actually sleeping in her bed. She's always on her pillow. And this is why she never co-slept with us. There's nothing more irritating than waking up to a foot in your face.

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