Sunday, October 18, 2009

School Pictures

School pictures are always a crap shoot. You send them to school looking good: clothes in perfect order, hair done up nice... with instructions to show a nice smile, don't do anything weird, not too much teeth but don't grimace either. You hope that their teacher will fix up the little things that can go wrong from the time you do the drop-off to the time it's their turn in front of the camera. Like flip down an errant collar, straighten a crooked ponytail, smooth down a cowlick. You hope that the professionals behind the camera know how to guide the kids into looking natural.

The worse part: you don't know what you're going to get until 3 weeks later. And by then it's too late to fix anything.

Luckily this year Malia had a great photo. I was worried. She started doing the Princess Smile thing with the neck and arm deal so I really wasn't sure how her's would turn out.

09 Malia School Pic
Pretty nice, huh?

I'm not going to post Kael's. Let's just say he's doing a re-take and we'll leave it at that. As I mentioned before, you would think (hope) that the "professionals" behind the camera would do a good job showing the kids how to smile without looking scary. Evidently, this is not the case. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the re-take.

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