Monday, June 22, 2009

Launch Day

Kael completed his first week of Science Camp - Space and Rocketry. He had a blast (pardon the pun). Made some neat space related stuff like a telescope, a Mars Rover, and a constellation box. The cherry on top was the rocket. And we're not talking about a water fueled rocket. It's a real rocket with wires and keys and caps.

Kael and Mikayla showing off their rockets.

The Launch Pad.

Please blast off. Please blast off!

Loading the rockets on the launchers.

Goofing around with a new friend. They are sitting like POW's because the pads are live and they are not to touch the keys lest they accidentally set off the rockets.

Kael's Rocket, primed and ready!

Turning the key and igniting the rocket.

Blast off!!

Coming back to "Earth"

Safe landing

The pick up.

He's so stoked that his rocket blasted off!

Mikayla's turn.

Working the wires.

Inserting the key.

I love her expression as the rocket blasts off.


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