Thursday, June 26, 2008

"How many more babies are you going to have?"

Guess where that comment came from:

Random people I run into on the street?
Nah. I usually get a "You are brave!" or a "Did you plan it?" In response to the "Did you plan it?" comment, one of these days I'm going to work up the nerve to respond with a "Do you mean did we plan on having unprotected sex and not pulling out? Yes, we did plan that." Just to see their reaction.

Family members?
No. Although I did get a "What?! You're pregnant again? Are you crazy?!" from Truong's sister.

Nope again. I got lots of "Congratulations!" with a few "You're nuts and/or brave!" thrown in.

The answer to who said ""How many more babies are you going to have?" would be...

Kael. My 4.5 year old son. Last week on the way home from swimming. Once again another random comment thrown out at me when I least expected it.

I looked at him and said: "WHAT?! What do you mean?"

Kael: "I said: How many more BABIES are you going to HAVE, Mom?"
As if I'm an idiot and did not understand spoken English.

Me: "We're just going to have this last one and then we're done. I'm very happy with having you and Malia and this new baby as our family."
I start getting worried that maybe he was feeling left out, being the oldest.

Kael: "No, I don't think so, Mom."
This was said in a long suffering tone of voice.

Me: "No. Really. This is the last one. No more. I promise. We're done having babies. I'm happy with our family."
WTH was this coming from?!

Kael (with a huge sigh): "No, Mom. I know you're going to have more babies. And then you would have to go to work with Daddy."
Again, said in a tone of the inevitable.

To kill time so I can formulate an appropriate response, I ask him: "How more babies do you think I'm going to have?"

Kael: "I know you're going to have a hundred babies."
A deeper, longer sigh emanates from his little chest.

At this point, I start laughing a bit because I realize this is not stemming from some deep angst of being left out or feeling the competition having another sibling brings. I have no idea where it came from but I don't have to worry about putting another dollar in the Therapy Jar.

I play along: "A hundred babies? Wow. That's a lot of babies."

Kael: "I know. That is a lot of babies, Mom. I just know it. You're going to have a hundred more babies."

Me: "Where do you think we're going to keep all those babies?"

Kael: "Well, we'd have to buy a hundred cars."

Not to mention the worry of having my uterus fall out when I go pee. But I don't mention that to Kael. No need to nail myself in a coffin when I'm still ahead.

Me: "Wow. A hundred cars. That's a lot of cars. Where are we going to park a hundred cars?"

Kael: "That's why you have to go to work with Daddy. So we can buy a bigger house for all the cars."

Ahh. If only life were so simple.

Well, minus the hundred babies part, anyway.

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