Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I had a conversation with some moms awhile back and we were discussing private parts. As in what do we call them as our older kids were getting into that age where they were asking about them. It was voted that we should call them by their real names as opposed to "pee-pee" and "boobies" to give them a sense of respect as opposed to something to giggle at.

So Kael knows that he was a penis and, well, Malia knows that she has a.... I stutter to say it... a vagina. However, in her cute 2 year old fashion, she calls it her "bagina." Alternatively, I also call it "her privates" because hearing her shout "I HAVE A BAGINA!" at the top of her lungs makes me want to laugh (at home) and cringe (in public).

I also started telling Kael that his privates are private and no one should touch them. If he has to touch them, then he does it in privacy, like his room. That's why they are called "privates." While the car is considered private for nose-picking purposes, it's not privates touching private. Since Malia is always with Kael, she got the lesson too. And she takes it to heart. Whenever she's naked, she makes it a point to tell me: "Momma, that's my bagina. It's private. No one can touch it."

Good girl. For whatever reason, she loves saying that. I am waiting for her to bust that out in the bathroom at school when they do group pottytime.

Today, we were at Target. Just me, Malia and Taede. Going down the baby aisle. Passing an older man. Just as we approach him, getting in hearing range, Malia says: "Momma, I have a bagina. I love my bagina! It's private! Only I can touch my bagina! I love my bagina!"

Holy cow. You can bet the farm I picked up the pace and starting hauling that shopping down the aisle pretty fast.

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