Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Potty Training Gone Awry

I haven't formally started potty training Malia yet, but the pot's been out so she's used to it. She sits on it fine and has even gone #1 a few times.

Ok. So maybe that's not the full truth. The real truth is: she did in fact start to pee in it. She freaked out. Stood up. Looked in and ran into my closet to finish the job. Thank god she's got a small bladder. After that incident, she will sit on the pot but finish the job elsewhere. Usually in the corner of my bedroom somewhere. Needless to say, we don't let her run around naked as freely as Kael.

When Kael poops, he likes to poop naked. He flings his clothes all over but usually it's in a discernible trail leading towards the bathroom. Dad has taught him that it's polite to turn on the fan and he's started to ask to close the door for privacy. This I can understand since Malia gets all into his face as he's doing his business. Unfortunately for him, he's on the constipated side. Not full blown constipation but it can take some effort to cleanse his system. Even with the door closed and the fan running, you can hear his... efforts.

This particular time you could tell he hadn't been eating his oatmeal. From hearing her brother's grunts behind closed doors, Malia accurately surmised that Kael was pooping. She proceeded to take off her pants (she couldn't take off her top since she was wearing a onesie) and got out the sink from her play kitchen. Sat in it and started to make grunting noises like Kael. It infuriated him so much that he was screaming from the bathroom: "STOP COPPERING ME MALIA! IT'S NOT FUNNY! STOP IT I SAID!" I wish I had video taped it - it was the million dollar clip.

Malia trying to wedge in her bottom into her "new toilet." I don't know the story about her sock. But she did walk around one-on, one-off for hours. I wondered if it bothered her but evidently it didn't.

Still trying to find that right fit.


I probably should have taken out her "real" toilet but I was laughing too hard. I've probably set back potty training by a few months.

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