Sunday, August 30, 2009

Always ask permission FIRST

Today was a Dad Day. Truong tries to give me a break on the weekends and shoulders as much of the kid workload as possible. I really appreciate this. I really really do. I also know that he's not going to know everything. (It's common knowledge that Mom's do in fact know everything - so don't waste time questioning us.)

I am with the kids 24/7 so I know all their little quirks and habits. I also know where all the little random stuff are located in the house and why there's a big ass box in the middle of the playroom.

Kael pulled out his big Science Experiment book he got as a birthday gift last year and was thumbing through it. He and Truong decided to do the volcano experiment.

Truong of course modifies a few things and kind of follows the directions while adding a little Truong-panache. It's still all good. It works. The directions say to use wet sand to make the volcano. He decides to use Playdoh. A lot of Playdoh. Little modifications like that.

Kael thinks the whole thing is totally cool and can't wait to show me and Malia. Oh, I forgot to mention that Mom and Malia were out running errands so the boys did this project wholly unsupervised.

09-08-30 Volvcano1
I realize this post is about Kael's volcano but you have to check out Malia's scary smile.

09-08-30 Volvcano4
A view of the hippie-esque volcano. Truong and Kael used an absurd amount of Playdoh.

09-08-30 Volvcano3
Step 1: Pour some baking soda into a container within the volcano.

09-08-30 Volvcano5
Step 2: Add vinegar. (Are you checking out the colors? The sheer amount of Playdoh used?)

09-08-30 Volvcano9
Watch it... here it comes.

09-08-30 Volvcano8
A nice little mushroom top

09-08-30 Volvcano11
And there's our overflow.

It was a great science project... except for a couple of minor points:

1) They mixed the Playdoh. As everyone knows, you don't mix Playdoh. You just don't. If Playdoh was meant to be mixed, they'd sell a tub of the stuff labeled "Mixed Playdoh." But they don't, do they?

2) The boys thought ahead to contain the volcano in a lipped tray. Shallow enough for the kids to enjoy the show and lipped enough to contain the "lava flow" of baking soda and vinegar. Hmm... Too bad it was my tea tray. Urgh!

I told Truong the next time I can't find the hammer, I'm using a golf club.

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