Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The tomato grub

Kael's tomatoes are doing exceptionally well. Lots of yellow pears and grape tomatoes. The heirlooms are starting to color. The kids love going back there to make a harvest. Truong and I have been enjoying tomato salads with dinner.

Lately however, I've noticed that some tomatoes have been partially eaten. Some are on the ground still whole as if they were knocked off, others have nibbles on them and still more were chewed while still on the vine.

I think: darn birds. But that's kind of weird because I didn't think birds ate tomatoes.

Yesterday I was feeding Taede (or at least trying to feed Taede) when I saw something in our backyard. I can only assume it's our newest tomato grub. It all makes sense now.

Can you see him in the azalea bush? He was trying to climb up the bird feeder.

See that lime? It used to be on our little lime tree. Our backyard is this little guy's Whole Foods. I haven't checked on Kael's corn yet but now I understand why the sunflowers have all suddenly tipped over.

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