Thursday, April 17, 2008

They're back...

It was inevitable. He's been asking for them for weeks. Uncle Thien's promised him they were coming in the mail. We went and got everything ready for their arrival. And today, right before naptime, I heard a noise out front and upon peeking out the window, saw the package:

Well, it was actually wrapped in a FedEx 2-Day ground envelope and inside was this box. Big Dummy Thien taped the box so damn tight I couldn't even get a knife in to cut the tape. It took a lot of effort. I was afraid to tug or tear open the flaps for fear of flinging the disgusting things all over the kitchen. Holy cow if that happened, I would have laid a big ol' crap right in the middle of the kitchen floor while screaming hysterically. Then I would have packed up the kids and gone to Shana's until we could sell the house.

Anyway, here's the box finally opened:

Ugh. Just looking at them makes my skin crawl. Notice my very secure grip on the lid. I didn't tell Kael the Box O' Worms had arrived because I wanted to make sure they weren't all dead from their 2 day travels from Davis aboard a FedEx truck. Can you imagine opening the much anticipated Box O' Worms to find 100 of the little buggers all curled up and shriveled?! That would have given him nightmares for sure. I was at once relieved and bothered that they were still alive. Relieved that my son has what he's been waiting for. Disgusted that I once again have a box full of worms in the house.

Kael preparing their new homes. The large box is for his classroom and the small box is for us. Notice the considerable size difference. I told him that we'd take just 10. T-E-N worms. That's it. We'd give Ms. Shana 20 worms (sure she asked for just 10 but she's the one who started this whole disgusting love relationship so she's taking however many I give her). The rest we'd take to his class.

Kael as he opened the Box O' Worms for the first time. I think the worms sensed their freedom because when he opened the lid, I about dropped the camera when I saw just how many worms Thien packed in, trying to escape.

I said 60 worms, Thien!! S-I-X-T-Y!! That's not 60, my friend.

Have you ever seen him so darn happy?! He's giddy. It's like he was reunited with long lost siblings.

Starting the separation process, putting them in their new homes.

Remember the deal we had? Keep 10 for home, give 20 to Ms. Shana and the rest goes to school? Well, he started doing "Magical Counting": he first counted out 10 for us then he moved on to his class box. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... but 5 and 6 actually went to OUR box and then he continued 7, 8, 9... in the class box. Then 10, 11, 12 went to ours; 13, 14, 15, 16 went to class, and so on and so on. In the end, we ended up with over 25 worms. He gave Shana something ridiculous like 7 worms. I asked him to give her more, but he said Ms. Shana had more than enough worms. In the end after some negotiation, I think Shana ended up with 20 or so worms, give or take a few. The counting got really confusing with him in charge.

A close-up (from far away with the zoom lens) of the Box O' Worms.

He's so happy. Words cannot describe what he's feeling.

I have fears that he will try to squirrel some worms home from class in his pocket or lunch bag.

Does he have to put it so close to his face?! He all but kissed it. Stop trying to hug the worm!

I wish, I hope, that one day, some day, he will bestow the same loving look he gives to his worms, to his sister.


Crys said...

When the worm dies and shrivels up just splash fish sauce on it and pop it in some won ton soup. Don't you know that we Asians love a cheap source of protein?

The Mom said...

Crystal that is so freaking disgusting. Do I need to get you guys a cookbook?