Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oh god. It's back.

The Ball Pit.

The kids love it.
I hate it.

It was Truong's idea and he swears he will clean up the mess every
night. Which I find hard to believe since (1) he's out of town the
next 2 weeks and (2) the balls do not magically reappear back in the
pit after 3 kids go diving in it. I'll be spending my waking hours
chasing after those damn balls.

I should have known this beast would be resurrected. Afterall, I was
saving the 200 plastic balls in 2 trash bags in the garage. I am my
mother's child. She's still got several jackets that I wore in high
school hanging in the closet. Like her, I just could not bring myself
to get rid of 200 perfectly usable plastic balls.

I do have to say the look of glee on Taede's face makes it worth it.
For now anyway. It's only been up since this morning and we've been
gone all morning until naptime. I'll post an update later this week...
If I'm not too busy secretly sabatoging the ball pit, stealthly
throwing away balls one at a time, so the kids won't notice the ball
level slowly going down. Muwahahaa!

- Sent by iPhone

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should have given me the balls! Connor loves his ball pit. And I was smart- set it up at grandma's house!