Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Looking for a good crash helmet

Or maybe a nice rubber one so he'll bounce back up when he makes another face plant.

09-10-13 Taede Ouchie1

09-10-13 Taede Ouchie4
Profile view.

This was after 15 minutes of torturous icing.

My poor little guy. He pulled down the kitchen towel and was dragging it around. I was elbow deep in making dinner so didn't take it away from him soon enough. I heard a huge thud and then crying. Oh man, I felt bad.

An hour later, as the big kids were taking a shower, he walked into a corner of my bedroom door.

[ [ THUD! ] ]

He had a toy in his mouth. There was some bleeding. Turns out he chipped a tooth. Poor guy.

But wait, there's more. This morning he was climbing on the Anywhere Chair and tipped over.

[ [ THUD! ] ]

Face planted exactly on the same spot pictured above. Exactly the same spot. It had hurt pretty bad. Now he's got a ginormous purple bruise on his forehead.

It has not been a good week for Taeder Tot. My poor poor baby. Until this weird black (and blue) cloud over Taede goes away, I'm either getting him a crash helmet or bubble wrapping him.

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