Monday, July 27, 2009

The writing is on the wall.

Or in this case: the floor.

As anyone who knows my family knows, my kids have eating issues. Kael has texture problems and is somewhat picky. I suppose picky is relative as I know kids who are waayyy pickier. And honestly, it's not so much a texture problem as it is a chewing problem: he doesn't like to eat meat. Chicken is OK. Pork, maybe if cut up small. Steaks? Fuh-get-about-it. "It's too chewy, Mom!"

Malia eats most things but in teeny tiny amounts. She eats to just tide her over but never enough to gain weight. I give her less and less, and still she claims she's too full to finish. She will however power down fruits and veggies. Too bad those things are calorie light.

And then we have Taede. For one so young, he sure has some strong opinions about food. Kael's eating issues didn't pop up until almost 2 years of age. Malia - past a year although I will say that she's always been a light eater even nursing. Taede has had a hate-hate relationship with food from the start. How can he dislike eating solids when he's got nothing to base that dislike on?! Give me a break. The one constant that he will eat is avocados -- and even that's not much.

Have you ever met a kid who rejects Cheerios?? Seriously. Cherrios. That stuff was the staple of Kael's and Malia's diet. If all else failed, a handful of Cheerios would do the trick. So far the only thing Taede has an interest in is his sippy of water. While he doesn't eat the Cheerios, he does have another use for them: gravity checkers.

Since he gags on baby food like I'm feeding him thick glue, I make his food from chicken, veggies, rice and pasta. He's OK with rice. I thought I'd mix things up a bit so he's not so fixated on one item.

He was less than enthused.

While I tricked him into eating it, he still got the last word.

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