Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mutant Tomatoes

I don't know what we did differently this year but Kael's crop of tomatoes look genetically engineered. The plants are taller than ME and have flopped over due to the abundance of fruits. Or veggies. Whatever they are. They are popping buds and "baby tomatoes" (per Malia) all over and it's truly a testament of her control to not engage in an early harvest.

Actually, she's already done that a few times but I think she's finally getting that she was to wait until they are red.

It looks like we're doing something right as far as growing them but I don't know how farmers get their crops to all ripen at the same time. So far Malia's plucked a few red cherry tomatoes here and there as they ripen - essentially single servings. Definitely not enough for a salad. Certainly not enough to share, according to Malia, the tomato hog.

Kael's mutant tomato... tree? Truong and I just staked it even higher than the original stakes. And that's still not tall enough. The tops of the plants are flopped over onto itself. I don't know how that's going to affect the actual tomatoes as now they are all stacked up and crowded together.

He's got sweet white corn growing in the back.

Malia harvesting a few ripe cherry tomatoes.

Going in for the pluck.

Yellow cherry tomatoes



Kael's favorite: the sunflower

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