Friday, May 1, 2009

"A" for effort.

I never understood that saying. Shouldn't it be "E" for effort?!

Taede turned 7 months last week and he's still my mellow baby.

7 months stats:
Kael: 17.8 lbs & 27.5"
Malia: 13.13 lbs & 25.75"
Taede: 15.4 lbs & 27"

I expect he will lean out some when he becomes mobile. Which hasn't happened yet. At least not in the real sense of the word. He really wants to be. He just has to figure out the hand-knee coordination:

The above video was taken exactly at 7 months (April 23). He's trying. He really is. Do you see the red mark on his forehead? That's from his "lunge-crawl" attempts. He tries to crawl in his crib and usually ends up lunging face first against the crib. I have the mesh bumper so there's no padding at all. Linda was kind enough to lend me her nice thick bumper so hopefully the head banging (or at least proof of it) is a thing of the past.

The video below was taken today (May 1). And he's getting there. Still pretty shaky but I definitely have to get the baby gate up.

He's got 2-3 "steps" before the lunge. I give myself about 2 weeks before changing diapers become a true wrestling match.

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