Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Brrr. It's cold!

I think winter has finally arrived here in Orange County. Nighttime temps are in the nippy mid-40's and today's high is supposed to be in the mid-60's, partly cloudy but honestly it looks completely cloudy to me right now.

Sure, it's nothing close to Erin's Ice State standards but we just had nice sunny 80's weather a couple of weeks ago. I think it even rained over Thanksgiving.

I'm pulling out the long sleeved PJ's for the kids and will be searching for the fleece stuff for when we drive up to the Bay Area for Christmas. I've "winterized" the kids' beds by adding a fleece blanket to the standard top sheet and comforter. Even with all that, Malia still found it to be a bit chilly in her room:

There's our Sleeping Beauty, in her favorite sleeping position: perpendicular to the bed. Cute in her own bed, not so cute in our bed. Warmly tucked in under her sheets.

"But wait...," you think. "That's odd! There's something weird going on with her sheets and blankets." You wonder why it looks off.

Look closely.

She's not under the sheet or fleece blanket or Mermaid comforter at all.

She tucked herself into her pillowcase.

1 comment:

ebickmeier said...

Bite me. It's 25 degrees here and we are expecting snow flurries the rest of the week. wall-E the snowman may be getting an Eve sidekick! :)