Monday, June 16, 2008

The New Purple

I've been painting No Bite on Kael's nails since he's going back to the disgusting habit of sticking his fingers in his mouth again. It's basically what Bitter Apple is to dogs, but to people. Smells gross and supposedly tastes nasty. I haven't tried it myself -- I'll just take the manufacturer's word on it. Just the fact that he knows it's on his fingernails I think helps although I don't think he's actually tasted it yet.

And of course Malia is totally fascinated with the whole nail painting process. I don't put the No Bite on her but have done colored polish on her toes. She gets a kick out of her painted toes. Unfortunately my color polishes are older than dirt and are about as thick as mud. So Sunday the whole family made a trip to Target to get nail polish.

I scouted for the cheapest polish and settled on Sally Hansen. Luckily Sally's got a lot of colors to choose from. I picked out a nice light pink and a light lavender. Pink because, well, she's a girl and I didn't feel Slut Red was age-appropriate, and lavender because while purple is her favorite color, lavender felt "more" right for her little toes than the metallic purple that was there.

However, Malia had other ideas as to what color would be painted on her toes:

To those of you with the unsophisticated eye, this is called "Mermaid Blue" (by Malia). And this was the winner, hands down. She clutched this bottle like it was a crack pipe and refused to let go. Did not care for the pink, did not care for the lavender. I couldn't even get a second glance at Slut Red. It was Mermaid Blue or bust. Interestingly, the real name is "Marine Scene" so she's definitely got an eye for color.

I haven't put it on her yet. I'm kind of waiting in hopes that she will forget about Mermaid Blue so I can paint on the pink instead. It's a futile hope because she's already asked to have Mermaid Blue painted over her current polish several times today.

I guess I'll be cracking that open tomorrow. I'll post pictures of her Mermaid nails when I get a chance.

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