Monday, February 25, 2008

The merits of fiber

I've been dying to take the kids to Disneyland but for one reason or another, I haven't been able to in months. We have the Southern California pass so it's only good on the weekdays plus Sunday, pending major holidays and breaks like winter, spring and summer. This past Sunday started off to be a miserable rainy morning so I was pretty bummed. By afternoon, however, it cleared up enough so that we were comfortable taking the kids after Malia's nap. I was very excited and so were the kids.

Thinking that the rain scared away most people, I was surprised to see that was not the case. There was a lot more people there than I expected. We find parking and start hauling out the stroller, snacks and water bottles. I go to get Kael and open the door to see him sort of hunched over in his seat with a very pained look on his face. I asked him "What's wrong?" He replied that he had a tummy ache.

My kid hardly ever gets stomachaches. Ever. I can't even remember the last time he had one so for him to say that he had one, shot off warning bells in my head. In fact, only 2 words were flashing in my head:
Diarrhea? Vomit?
Diarrhea? Vomit?
Which one is it going to be??

I didn't know what to do. We were 20 minutes away from home, too far from a bathroom since we were in the middle of the parking lot in Downtown Disney and I had nothing in the car that we could have used to catch any... bodily fluids. So I asked him very carefully (as if the volume of my voice could tip the control he had over his bodily functions) "Do you need to use the bathroom?"

In my mind, I was torn: I hoped he wanted to use the bathroom to get rid of the "poison" so we could enjoy the trip but at the same time, if he did indeed need to use the bathroom, how much time did we have before things started flowing? He thought it over and decided that he didn't need to use the bathroom but still wanted to go to DLand. So we tucked him into the stroller and headed off.

We managed to get on 2 rides before he said he had enough. Poor little guy walked hunched over like he was 94 years old. He looked awful. I knew he so wanted to stay and enjoy the trip but just couldn't. As we headed out, I asked him if he wanted to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. He always loves that place and it was time for dinner anyway. He weakly nodded his head and though I had some misgivings, we decided to stay for dinner, figuring maybe he'd eat more at a place that he really liked than eating at home.

We get a table and things went downhill from there. Kael was fine - he was just quiet from the tummy ache. Truong tried to take him to the bathroom but it was an unsuccessful trip. Malia, in the meantime was a holy terror. Given how much we eat out as a family I don't know where we went wrong with her. The girl cannot sit still to save her life. She's got this thing where she wants to walk on the table. When does she ever walk on tables? She's not allowed to do that. Ever. So I don't know how and why she would think that's OK. When Truong gets mad at her for jumping from chair to chair and scolds her, she cries and whines to "Sit with mama." So she gets passed to me. Until I get mad at her for jumping across chairs and trying to climb on table then she cries and whines to "Sit with Daddy." Back and forth.

See her leg? She'd give the Energizer Bunny a run for his money.

"Look at me! I'm so cute!" If I had a staple gun handy....

So between Kael looking like he wanted to die and Malia's butt not touching the chair once during dinner, let's just say it wasn't one of our better dinners and I'll leave it at that.

Towards the end, Kael asked to use the bathroom and I hustled him in. Once he was on the toilet, he decided that he couldn't poop there and wanted to go home to poop. I tried everything to convince him to seize the moment (carpe diem!) and do it now, but it was a fruitless plea. We then hustled back to the table where I told Truong we had to leave. Now. Kael was like a ticking time bomb and I didn't know when he was going to blow.

We speed home, plop him on the toilet where he proceeded to poop. According to Truong, it was just one, uh, log but it was a big one. (Thanks for the update, hon.) Anyway, after his tour of duty in the bathroom, Kael was back to his normal hyper self. Evidently, that was the only thing holding him back.

So, yes, we're going back to eating oatmeal every other day.

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